Saturday, 6 August 2011

QTMC #6 coming along, and... something else...

So I thought I'd give a quick update in the wake of the fifth strip getting cancelled in an unexpected turn of empathy. The next strip, though still as juvenile but not as tactless as the cancelled one, is coming along nicely. I just finisehd the inking, and all that remains is the colouring in photoshop.

Which I hate. That's why these things always take so long.

I've got news for the Miranda fans out there though. Oh, man, you're gonna get a kick out of this...

You favorite, sultry Cerberus operative... will play no part in QTMC 6.

(-What a dick you are, Hjels.)

Tali will though. You guys like Tali, right?

Anyway, hope to have it on the blog in the near future. Oooh, and I almost forgot. On twitter I promised a little teaser for my latest, non-QTMC project. So it is with great pleasure that I give you the raw, uncleaned penned drawing of my upcoming, one-shot webcomic "One more year":

 (-Hjels, what the hell is that?)

That is a shoe.

(-I can tell...)

More than that, that is the shoe of the main character.

(-A story about shoes... I'll be sure to read that...)

Excellent! I hope the rest of you will, too. I'll have a new, seperate blog up, once I've made more progress on it. For now, QTMC 6 should be right around the corner.

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