Friday, 6 July 2012

October 20 and the Shields McKloskey-verse

Look at that.

If you can say you looked at that picture and tell me with a straight face that it isn't the prettiest thing you've seen in your life, I shall know that you are a liar, because if you have in fact seen a thing of greater beauty than that, your retinas could not possibly have survived the encounter.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is the cover to my new web comic, October 20th, painted by fantasy/science fiction illustrator Arthur Wang. I struggle to express how happy I am with the end result. He did an incredible job, and gave my comic a better start than I could have hoped for. The cover depicts the two main characters, Catherine and Rai, two people who on every 20th of October must join forces to try and survive the threat of an unseen enemy.

I hope those of you who enjoyed my silly little video game comics will also enjoy this. I know I'm having a great time making it.